• 0161 905 3440
  • Mon­day to Fri­day, 8:15am to 7pm
  • 0161 905 3440
  • Mon­day to Fri­day, 8:15am to 7pm

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation or Missed Appointment Policy

Our goal is to provide quality health care to all our patients.
No-shows and cancellations inconvenience other patients who might be in pain and need to be seen.
Please be aware of our policy regarding missed appointments, or those cancelled with less than 24 hours’ notice.

Appointment Cancellation - How to Cancel Your Appointment

To give other patients on the Waiting List an opportunity to have your appointment, please call us on 0161 905 3440 as soon as you know you will not be able to make your appointment. There is an answerphone service out of hours, and we will return your call as soon as possible.

If cancellation is necessary, we require 24 hours’ notice please.

Late Cancellations/No-Shows

A cancellation is considered late when the appointment is cancelled less than 24 hours before the appointed time.
A no-show is when a patient misses an appointment without cancelling.
In either case, we reserve the right to charge the patient the full appointment fee.