• 0161 905 3440
  • Mon­day to Fri­day, 8:15am to 7pm
  • 0161 905 3440
  • Mon­day to Fri­day, 8:15am to 7pm

Who We’ve Helped


Katie and Nancy

Dear Jenny and all the wonderful staff that make up your team…

I personally am so proud to hear this news…
Without your help and guidance every three weeks to keep me vital and out of pain my life would be less enjoyable..

Congratulations to you all…I am so pleased you have received this award …

My love and deep appreciation for all of you…everyone in the team is special..

Blessings and Love

Rosie xx

Ed Aged 79

Jo H

Received from patient, MB

Not all clinics and therapists are in the same league, and I think it’s important to acknowledge the and say thank you, especially when you do so brilliantly.

Hello Jenny,

I hope you had a lovely Christmas break and you’re well.

Having had several treatments at the clinic, I wanted to share some observations and thoughts on the level of care received so far.

I came into the clinic about three months ago and began my treatments with Dominic.
When I came in with an issue, that was already causing me quite a bit of pain, discomfort and was affecting my day-to-day routine, I quickly realised that he was the right therapist to help me.
From the very first treatment, I trusted Dominic’s expertise, approach, and the treatment plan, that was being “tailored made” and evolved with the changing circumstances. As it should be.
Although the treatment time is limited, I found Dominic to be very thorough, following up on and addressing any issues, arising in between sessions. I’ m always confident that any questions will be answered, and issues explained in a “digestible” way.
I must mention Dominic’s positive attitude, which seems to be a permanent feature and only adds to the quality of the treatment. His passion for patient care, wellbeing and his job is obvious and very refreshing.
I also found that, very skilfully, Dominic keeps the patient’s focus on the progress, however small it may be. I very much appreciate Dominic’s emphasis of positivity, appreciation of effort and work put into the recovery as well as help in recognising and respecting limitations, which very often turn out to be temporary.
Of course, Dominic’s expertise, knowledge and guidance plays a major role in the recovery process. His investment and genuine interest in the patient’s recovery creates a feeling of a “teamwork”, and that in its’ self, in my opinion, puts him streets ahead of other therapists.

Despite the treatments being painful and unpleasant at times, Dominic’s approach, support and guidance throughout the rehabilitation process has motivated and prompted me to make adjustments and rethink my attitude towards my own health, wellbeing and fitness. For that, I wanted to say THANK YOU.

Please pass my best wishes, appreciation and big thanks to Dominic.

Wishing all Staff at the Clinic a Happy New Year!


Dom's feedback

“Pathways have been in partnership with Dynamic Chiropractic for over 8 years on the Fit 4 Work and Be Well programmes. We always get positive feedback from clients who receive a fast and efficient service and get great results from their treatment.”

Pathways CIC

“Antonia, thank you for yesterday’s session , my shoulder and back are feeling much better today!

Can’t thank you enough for getting me through the Manchester Half Marathon! This year has been all about my goals after years of doing things for other people, and running is all about me! So completing the Manchester Half Marathon was a personal goal and at one  point I thought I had to give it up, well that’s until I met you!”

Neela Mistry

“I found Sam to be very friendly and knowledgeable. She undertook a very thorough assessment and provided simple but effective exercises to resolve the issue.”


“I can honestly say I do not remember meeting such an enthusiastic, genuine person. It is clear she is passionate about Podiatry. She has real empathy with her patients/clients. Her ability to treat and manage their problems effectively and efficiently is commendable.

Samantha has at all times shown herself to be a competent , professional practitioner, with an empathetic quality.”

Senior Specialist Podiatrist

Salford Royal Foundation Trust

“Tried Sports Massage with Amy yesterday – very happy with results! Drove to the practice hunched over the wheel as usual. Drove home slumped back in my seat with my head on the head rest – just goes to show what a little specialist treatment to your back and shoulders can do for muscle tension and posture!!
Also happy that I’ve had to shop around to find a decent sports massage and think I’ve now found it – already booked in for another one in three weeks to make sure I’m fully fit for a black belt grading in London. No pressure Amy!! :)”

Paul Plant

‘If anyone in the Manchester area is in need of Chiropractic or Physio treatment, I can completely recommend the team at Dynamic Chiropractic in Sale. Excellent, professional service, and all with a friendly smile (even if it was hidden today by full PPE),

May 2020


“For the team at Dynamic Chiropractic in Sale tell me they’ve been easing Razy’s joints with their specialist treatments over the past few months while he’s been preparing for his moment in the live TV spotlight.”

Razy Gogonea

Dancer, Britain's Got Talent Competitor


Absolutely addicted to the feeling of a new spring in my step which nerves send along the spine for days after each visit.

Many thanks for this feeling.”

Sir Andre Geim

Regius Professor and Royal Society Research Professor

“The staff are always friendly and extremely pro­fes­sional. Dr Clark pro­vided me with quick results from debil­i­tat­ing pain when noth­ing else had worked. Thank you.”

Doc­tor Alice Schofield

Hope Hos­pi­tal, Salford

It has been over a year now and I have not suf­fered from a sin­gle migraine. Chi­ro­prac­tic has made a huge dif­fer­ence to my qual­ity of life and I wish that I had heard about it years ago.”

Gwyn Brooks

Ex-Migraine Sufferer

I am happy to report I am now pain free & fit again. The treat­ment is worth every penny. I can thor­oughly rec­om­mend it to any­one who may have been think­ing about it.”

Jean Clare

Your advice and treat­ments have enabled me to con­tinue full time work, when at one time it seemed I might not be able to.”

Chris­tine Freemantle

I would like to express my thanks for all the help you gave me dur­ing my Kil­i­man­jaro prepa­ra­tion. I first came to see you with neck, lower back and knee pain. Through a com­bi­na­tion of reg­u­lar Chi­ro­prac­tic ses­sions, you have helped me feel fit­ter and train harder, thus achiev­ing my goal of stand­ing on ‘The Roof of Africa. I would not hes­i­tate to rec­om­mend you to my friends and colleagues.”

John Leaning

I have worked with Doug for some time now and can see an impor­tant role for Chi­ro­prac­tic in the multi-​disciplinary team required to sup­port our ath­letes.”

Alison Rose

Olympic Team Physiotherapist

Just wanted to say a huge ‘Thank-​you!’

I was quite uncer­tain about under­go­ing treat­ment whilst car­ry­ing this baby, how­ever your knowl­edge quickly instilled my confidence.

Through­out my treat­ment you have not only improved my neck, but have really eased my jour­ney thor­ough preg­nancy and helped me to feel more pre­pared for the impend­ing labour!

I can­not thank you enough and will cer­tainly return should I require fur­ther treatment.

Lisa La Mola


“For me they are the best in the business”

Richard Bevan

CEO, League Man­agers Association


Thank you for help­ing to keep my back OK to com­pete in my eques­trian show­ing com­pe­ti­tions. You played a big part in enabling me to win the Royal Inter­na­tional Horse Show.”

Danielle Cur­zon

For­mer GB Inter­na­tional Dres­sage Rider


Doug was extremely thor­ough and totally pro­fes­sional, and his pre­sen­ta­tion gave us a whole new out­look in terms of not only post-​injury care, but more impor­tantly injury avoidance.

In a con­tact sport such as ice hockey, injuries are part and par­cel of the equa­tion and the way we han­dle them when they occur is of para­mount impor­tance to us.”

Tony Hand MBE

Player/​Head Coach, Man­ches­ter Phoenix Ice Hockey Club


Pro­fes­sional, car­ing, inno­v­a­tive, exper­tise – are words that spring to mind. I would rec­om­mend Dynamic to any pro­fes­sional ath­lete try­ing to stay at elite phys­i­o­log­i­cal levels.”

Steve Round

Former Director of football at Aston Villa and Assistant Manager at Arsenal FC


“I have found the ser­vices pro­vided by the team at Dynamic Chi­ro­prac­tic really useful.”

Prof Andrew King

Spinal Consultant


“Looking forward to another visit to Doug Clark @DynamicChiroUK thanks for the recommendation @CEThomas2013 great results”

Helen Clitheroe

Com­mon­wealth Games Bronze Medalist


“I highly recommend Doug Clark @DynamicChiroUK if anyone is looking for a fantastic chiropractor!”

Char­lene Thomas

Euro­pean Cham­pi­onships Gold Medalist


“@DynamicChiroUk thanks. You did a great job! Feel Amazing.!

Kim Collins

Olympic 100m Sprinter

Olympian Thank You's

Facebook Reviews