• 0161 905 3440
  • Mon­day to Fri­day, 8:15am to 7pm
  • 0161 905 3440
  • Mon­day to Fri­day, 8:15am to 7pm


The Foot­Bal­ance Concept


Foot­Bal­ance pro­vides a unique com­bi­na­tion of com­puter aided foot analy­sis and 100% cus­tom insoles deliv­er­ing nat­ural foot sup­port and alignment.


Everyone’s feet are dif­fer­ent and often our own feet dif­fer from right to left. Foot­Bal­ance insoles are 100% cus­tom moulded to your indi­vid­ual feet for the per­fect fit.

Quick and easy

In most cases your cus­tomised insoles can be moulded on the spot, allow­ing you to walk away and expe­ri­ence greater com­fort and the per­fect fit straight away.


Foot­Bal­ance 100% custom-​fit insoles, along with a range of cus­tomised rein­force­ments offer an afford­able solu­tion to foot prob­lems for a grow­ing num­ber of people.


Foot­Bal­ance deliv­ers supreme com­fort and the per­fect fit time after time.


Foot­Bal­ance are so con­fi­dent that their insoles will offer a great solu­tion for you that if you are not com­pletely com­fort­able after 30 days you will receive a full refund or a re-​moulding at no charge.

Why FootBalance ?

Find Out More

If you would like to book an appoint­ment for an assess­ment or even just to talk through the ben­e­fits of Foot­Bal­ance one to one, then please get in con­tact with us at Dynamic Chi­ro­prac­tic and we will be more than happy to help. Assesstments are free of charge and a made to measure, prescribed pair range from £59 – £79 per pair.