• 0161 905 3440
  • Mon­day to Fri­day, 8:15am to 7pm
  • 0161 905 3440
  • Mon­day to Fri­day, 8:15am to 7pm


You can use your health insur­ance to receive Chi­ro­prac­tic & Phys­io­ther­apy treat­ment with us.

We are reg­is­tered with all major Pri­vate Med­ical Insur­ance com­pa­nies includ­ing BUPA, AXA, Aviva (was Nor­wich Union), Cigna, PruHealth, Sim­ply Health, WPA and many more.

Please call our front desk team on 0161 905 3440 for advice or guid­ance on using your health insur­ance at Dynamic.